Nano Infusion Vs. Microneedling for Acne Scars

Acne scars are one of the most common skin complaints among patients today. Without treatment, acne scars can take many years to heal. This leads many patients to seek out cosmetic treatments that will speed up the skin’s healing process and fade acne scarring. 

Nano infusion and microneedling are two treatment options for acne scars available at Skin Radiance Med Spa. Here, we’ll compare these treatments to help you decide which is right for you. 


Microneedling is a non-surgical treatment that can be used to repair damaged skin, including skin affected by acne scarring, for a healthy complexion. It’s a method of skin rejuvenation that has visible results and doesn’t require recovery time, making it a popular option among patients today. 

In microneedling treatment, a numbing cream is first applied to the skin. Then, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C solution is applied to the treatment area before the microneedling pin is pressed lightly into the skin over the area. The pin makes controlled micro-injuries in the skin, which stimulate the skin’s natural healing process and collagen production. Additionally, it allows the vitamin-rich solution to be more effectively absorbed into the skin. 

Generally, patients undergo 2 to 3 microneedling treatments spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart. For deep acne scarring, however, 6 to 8 treatment sessions may be needed to achieve the desired results. 

Nano Infusion

Nano infusion therapy is a cosmetic treatment that gently gets serums and nutrients directly into the skin. It’s similar to microneedling, but far gentler on the skin. 

During nano infusion therapy, a device with single-use, sterilized pins is used. The pins lightly move up and down across the surface of the skin, making tiny channels in its surface. Serums are then applied and can be more deeply absorbed into the skin through these channels. The treatment process also boosts collagen production and cell turnover rate, which help the skin heal itself from acne scars and other imperfections more effectively. 

With nano infusion therapy, we use different serums depending on each patient’s needs. So if acne scars are your primary concern, we’ll select serums that are designed to target scarring and restore a healthy complexion. 

Bottom Line

Nano infusion is a gentler treatment than microneedling, which can make it the best option for those with sensitive skin. However, if you have deep acne scarring, microneedling is a more powerful treatment and could provide the results that you are seeking. 

The experienced team at Skin Radiance Med Spa can help you decide between nano infusion and microneedling for acne scarring. Contact us today to learn more!

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